This is a delay effect that can either be tempo-based or use freely specified
delay time settings. The delay repeats can also be modulated.
The parameters are as follows:
Parameter Description
Mix Sets the level balance between the dry signal and the effect. If ModDelay
is used as a send effect, this should be set to maximum as you can control
the dry/effect balance with the send.
Tempo sync
The button above the Delay Time knob is used to turn tempo sync on or
off. If set to off (gray button) the delay time can be set freely with the Delay
Time knob, without sync to tempo.
Feedback This sets the number of repeats for the delay.
Delay Time This is where you specify the base note value for the delay if tempo sync
is on (1/1 - 1/32, straight, triplet or dotted). If tempo sync is off, it sets
the delay time in milliseconds.
Tempo Sync
This is the note value multiplier (x1 to x10) for the delay when tempo
sync is used.
DelayMod. This controls the pitch modulation rate for the delay effect.