วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 3 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2550

Delay plug-ins

Delay plug-ins
This section contains descriptions of the plug-ins in the “Delay”
This effect provides two separate delays that can be either tempo
based or use freely specified delay time settings. Cubase SX/SL automatically
provides the plug-in with the tempo currently used in the
The parameters are as follows:
Parameter Description
Mix Sets the level balance between the dry signal and the effect. If Double-
Delay is used as a send effect, this should be set to maximum (100%)
as you can control the dry/effect balance with the send.
Tempo sync
The buttons above the two Delay Time knobs are used to turn tempo
sync on or off for the respective delay. If set to off (the buttons are gray)
the delay time can be set freely with the Delay Time knobs, without
sync to tempo.
Delay Time 1 This is where you specify the base note value for the delay if tempo
sync is on (1/1 - 1/32, straight, triplet or dotted). If tempo sync is off,
it sets the delay time in milliseconds.
Delay Time 2 As above.
Feedback This sets the number of repeats for both delays.
Tempo Sync 1 The note value multiplier (x1 to x10) for the first delay unit.

Parameter Description
Tempo Sync 2 As above, but for the second delay unit.
Pan1 This sets the stereo position for the first delay.
Pan2 This sets the stereo position for the second delay
You can also change parameters in the graphic display window. This
works as follows:

If tempo sync is on, you can set the Tempo Sync 1 parameter by dragging
the light blue handle left and right.
When tempo sync is off, this sets the Delay Time 1 parameter.

You can set the Pan 1 parameter by dragging the light blue handle up
and down.

The dark blue handle works in the same way but for the correspond
second delay parameters.
